medicationsImovax Rabies

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Medically reviewed by  Jamie Winn, PharmD

Is NiceRx an Imovax Rabies coupon provider?

At NiceRx, we help eligible individuals access patient assistance programs. This means that we are not an Imovax Rabies coupon, an Imovax Rabies discount card, or an Imovax Rabies copay card provider. We do not offer any medication trial offers, or free Imovax Rabies samples.

Imovax Rabies patient assistance program

Patient assistance programs are typically sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and provide free or discounted medications to individuals with low income who are uninsured or under-insured and meet the eligibility criteria that vary by program. There are currently no known patient assistance programs for this medication.

How much does Imovax Rabies cost without insurance?

Imovax Rabies costs without insurance will vary depending on how much you buy and the retailer you buy it from. As a guide, Imovax Rabies intramuscular powder for injection 2.5 intl units will typically cost around $435 for 1 powder for injection.

How much does Imovax Rabies cost with insurance?

The copay of Imovax Rabies will vary in line with the specific terms of your healthcare plan. For further details about what you may need to pay, your insurance provider or pharmacist will be able to calculate the copay costs with your current insurance.

What is Imovax Rabies?

Imovax Rabies Vaccine is an FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) approved medication manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur. It is an inactivated vaccine made from an attenuated rabies virus and is indicated for pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis against rabies. Rabies human diploid cell vaccine is approved for use in all age groups. It works by exposing you to a small dose of the virus, causing the body to develop immunity to the disease.

You are more likely to come into contact with the rabies virus if you are a veterinarian, animal handler, rabies laboratory worker, or if you come into contact with animals that carry the virus (including cats, dogs, foxes, skunks, raccoons, bobcats, coyotes, and bats). Traveling to certain countries may also increase your risk of exposure to rabies.

Pre-exposure vaccination does not stop the need for prophylaxis after exposure to the Rabies virus, but it prevents the need for Human Rabies Immune Globulin (RIG) except in people with weak immune systems. Booster doses persons with a continued high risk of exposure such as veterinarians should have their serum tested for rabies antibodies every 2 years. Imovax Rabies may not provide protection from disease for every person.

What doses of Imovax Rabies are available?

Imovax Rabies is available in a sterile, stable, freeze-dried suspension form, in the following doses: One dose (1.0 mL) of Imovax Rabies vaccine is equal to or greater than 2.5 international units of rabies antigen.

The contents of the provided diluent are transferred into the vaccine vial for reconstitution of the freeze-dried vaccine. Imovax is an intramuscular (IM) preparation. Do not inject the vaccine into the gluteal area as administration in this area may result in lower neutralizing antibody titers.

For pre-exposure prevention of rabies, you will need to receive a total of 3 shots. The second shot is given 7 days after the first, followed by a third shot 2 or 3 weeks later.

If you have a continued risk of exposure to rabies, you may need to receive the preventive vaccine series every 2 years. If you work around the live rabies virus, you may need a booster vaccine every 6 months.

Always speak with your healthcare provider for medical advice about any changes to your dose so they can monitor and evaluate your condition.

Imovax Rabies active ingredients

Imovax contains rabies virus prepared from strain PM-1503-3M obtained from the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA.

Imovax Rabies side effects

The most common side effects of Imovax Rabies in clinical trials include:

  • Injection site reactions – pain, erythema, swelling or itching
  • Headache, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, dizziness

In rare instances, Imovax Rabies can cause more serious side effects. These can include:

  • Very high fever
  • Vomiting, skin rash, joint pain (arthralgia), malaise
  • Tingling or a prickly feeling in your fingers or toes
  • Weakness or unusual feeling in your arms and legs
  • Problems with balance or eye movement, difficulty speaking or swallowing
  • Blood and lymphatic system disorders
  • Immune system disorders – anaphylactic reaction, serum sickness type reaction, dermatitis allergic, pruritus, edema
  • Paresthesia, neuropathy, convulsion, encephalitis, Guillain-Barré-like syndrome
  • Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders: Wheezing, dyspnea

Your doctor will assess the benefits of using Imovax Rabies against your risk of adverse events. Patients are encouraged to report negative side effects or adverse reactions of Imovax Rabies to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Imovax Rabies drug interactions

Other drugs may interact with the Imovax Rabies Vaccine, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Tell your health care provider about all of your medication including any supplements you are taking.

Imovax Rabies contraindications

You should not use Imovax Rabies if you:

  • Are allergic to the active ingredient Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (DCO)
  • Are allergic to any of the other ingredients in Imovax Rabies
  • Have albumin hypersensitivity, bovine protein hypersensitivity, egg hypersensitivity, or neomycin hypersensitivity
  • Have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), agammaglobulinemia, corticosteroid therapy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, hypogammaglobulinemia, immunosuppression, neoplastic disease, radiation therapy, or severe combined immunodeficiency
  • You should not receive a booster dose if you had a life-threatening allergic reaction after the first dose

Talk to your doctor before using Imovax Rabies if you:

  • Are taking any of the medications that could interact with Imovax Rabies
  • Have hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, or vitamin K deficiency
  • Have Guillain-Barre syndrome – advice and assistance may be obtained from the state health department or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). A patient’s risk for developing rabies should be carefully considered before deciding to discontinue immunization
  • Have a weak immune system
  • Have any type of infection or severe illness
  • Are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant
  • Are breastfeeding or are planning to breastfeed

Imovax Rabies generic

Imovax Rabies is the trademark brand name for Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (DCO) manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur. A generic version of Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (DCO) is not available. Generic drugs are generally cheaper than brand-name drugs, but you can still find Imovax Rabies savings through NiceRx.

The content on this website is intended for information purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice. The information on this website should not be relied upon and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always speak to your doctor regarding the risks and benefits of any treatment.